Revised Lesson Plan - Module 2

Revised  Lesson Plan - Module 2


             Next week, I am beginning a unit in my Geometry class on LOCUS.  The first lesson is an introduction to the topic.  I am using this lesson for this assignment because it is one that was on my “to do” list to revise.  Last year when I taught this lesson, I used the website Oswego Regents Prep to introduce the five basic loci to the class and then, as a class, we begin answering questions on the topic.


            LOCUS, briefly, in geometry, is a set of points that satisfy a certain condition.  I didn’t want to conduct the lesson as I previously did, as mentioned in the reading, with a “sage on stage” approach.  I have done some research and here is what I am planning:


            The class will be divided into groups of five. In order to get an idea of what locus is, they will select a YouTube video that introduces them to the topic.  The leader of the group will make the final decision as to which video is chosen.  The technical director will set it up for the class to view.  The announcer will give a brief introduction/and or conclusion of the video.  The secretary will record questions from the class to be put in the question bank when all videos are viewed.  (Some questions might be eliminated as students watch subsequent videos.)


            Watching and listening to the videos should address the needs of the visual and auditory learners.  This topic also allows the students to carry out a physical activity to describe the five basic loci to address the kinesthetic learners or the tactile learners.  After the videos, the leaders and the secretaries will form one group; they will physically use their bodies to formulate a depiction of the first three basic loci.  The technical directors and the announcers will do the same for the remaining two loci.  .  (I have included the a description of the five basic loci theorems below for your reference.)